Monday, August 31, 2009


Today as has been a turnaround for me,a scripture with the heading "In His Majesty's Service" made me realize that I cannot be confound to the realms of mans insecurities whereby christians who believe in one God only divide themselves in the same church just because the one wants to out perform the other for the attention of the man of the cloth, who is entrusted by a then calling to be a servant of God.

I enjoyed what I was doing, but the human constraints of being the outcast was clearly seen by all, except the optimistic me was dissappointing and belonging to an elite group just did not fit well with me. Has the church become a stepping stone for pastors, reverends, ministers etc to get into education or politics. Is there no longer a calling and I'm saying this fully aware that the first answer will be what must a man of God live if he/she is only a servant.

But if the servant makes it a prayer matter, and the word he brings is from God, his church will be blessed and many will flock as he stretches out over the land to save souls not for him, but for our Master, Jesus Christ who died on Calvary for our sin and for our Heavenly Father.But the problem arise when the head of a church does not see the anguish his ministry is in, but keeps on going with those who surround him with good cheer, while the body of the "the church" which is you, becomes disfigured and disabled by not receiving the word of God as it is laid down in since the time of Moses, till today.

Where do we go from here we ask the "building church" and the people who worship there, as what is preached from the pulpit on a Sunday and praised by the congregation is not what is lived out ther in the world. For many of us as we leave the building we dont realize that we are the "church" and that the person we were on Saturday should be the same person you meet Friday at the braai, Saturday and then to praise the name of God on Sunday.

This is all for a community who seeks God daily,who's children do not know God, but do churches provide the shoulder for them lean on and to build their spiritual strenght with knowledge and instruction and let them be blessed with the wisdom received from the King of Kings. 

Is it not time to change, Church

We are all in His Majesty's Service 

1 comment:

  1. Being a child of Christ has advantages beyond our imaginations. However our daily life clouds the things we do not see or hear that God communicates with us.Many of our problems can be solved by small interventions unknowingly that a seed of growth has been planted for the renewal of an injustice. We cannot change what has happened in the past, we cannot change yesterday, but we can make a conscious decision to make that change and walk with a glow that resinates " I am a child of God and represent HIM"
