Saturday, January 16, 2010
Is this necessary: Church where do you stand
In the Biblical time of Moses instruction was given for the killing of all boys under a certain age. Today sex, age has nothing to do with it. This is happening to often, and I have to start asking the question again: Church where are you: These children were in your Sunday School, the were baptized in your churches, why another one has to be taken. What are your doing Church to fish for the youth soul, so less of this can happen. God gave his Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us sinners. What are we doing in return.
Killing our own, not directly but by our silence in what is wrong and write. Lets not assume people know the difference. Teach them the word of God. It is more a territorial fight as to who can get in first and deliver the best, not worrying about the soul. We can have conference after conference but until the leaders of this community and parents unite, put aside personal difference and work for the community. What are you and I doing, nothing. We don't change. Well start seriously thinking of it, time is running out.
To the family its a loss of a son, a brother, to a son its the loss of a father. Churches in this community need to unite to stop the attack and not be complacent, having conference on the word when the word has been written for yesterday, today and tomorrow.
What are you willing to do?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How much authority should a pastor have over a church
Answer: The church is called “the flock of God” (1 Peter 5:2), “God’s heritage” (1 Peter 5:3), and “the church of God” (Acts 20:28). Jesus is “the head of the church” (Ephesians 5:23) and “the chief Shepherd” (1 Peter 5:4). The church rightly belongs to Christ, and He is the authority over it (Matthew 16:18). This is just as true of the local church as of the universal Body of Christ.
God’s blueprint for building His church includes using men in the office of pastor. The pastor is first an elder, and along with the other elders, the pastor is responsible to do the following:
1) Oversee the church (1 Timothy 3:1). The primary meaning of the word bishop is “overseer.” The general oversight of the ministry and operation of the church is the responsibility of the pastor and the other elders. This would include the handling of finances within the church (Acts 11:30).
2) Rule over the church (1 Timothy 5:17). The word translated “rule” literally means “to stand before.” The idea is to lead or to attend to, with an emphasis on being a diligent caretaker. This would include the responsibility to exercise church discipline and reprove those who err from the faith (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13).
3) Feed the church (1 Peter 5:3). Literally, the word pastor means “shepherd.” The pastor has a duty to “feed the flock” with God’s Word and to lead them in the proper way.
4) Guard the doctrine of the church (Titus 1:9). The teaching of the apostles was to be committed to “faithful men” who would teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2). Preserving the integrity of the gospel is one of the pastor’s highest callings.
Some pastors consider the title overseer as a command to have their hand in everything. Whether it’s running the sound system or selecting songs for Sunday or picking out drapes for the nursery, some pastors feel it their duty to be involved in every decision. Not only is this exhausting for the pastor, who finds himself in every committee meeting, it’s also hampering certain others from using their gifts in the church. A pastor can oversee and delegate at the same time. In addition, the biblical model of a plurality of elders, along with deacons appointed to assist the pastor and elders, precludes the pastor from being a “one-man show.”
The command to “rule” the church is sometimes taken to extremes as well. A pastor’s official responsibility is to govern the church along with the elders, and his focus should be primarily spiritual: matters such as edifying believers and equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12) are a pastor’s main concern. We have heard of pastors who seem more dictatorial than shepherd-like, requiring those under their authority to seek their permission before making an investment, going on vacation, etc. Such men, it seems to us, simply desire control and are not fit to rule the church of God (see 3 John 9-10).
First Peter 5:3 contains a wonderful description of a balanced pastoral ministry: “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock.” The pastor’s authority is not something to be “lorded over” the church; rather, a pastor is to be an example of truth, love, and godliness for God's flock to follow. (See also 1 Timothy 4:12.) A pastor is “the steward of God” (Titus 1:7), and he is answerable to God for his leadership in the church.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Is it OK to for a mother steal a loaf of bread to feed her hungry family.
Is it OK to remove (no permission) an Item from work for a school project for your child's and never return it.
Do where to draw the line or should there be a line at all.
Before you know you find , something that has started small and with good intentions is now bigger than you.How many experiences in our daily life we find we compromise values, just to smooth things over for once just to have some form of we enable the behaviour at the cost of values.
"God we strive to be perfect and fail many times, but let us learn from those failures and negative consequences to live a righteous life.
Do you believe in the bible: What does the bible say. What does God want from us.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
When your Christianity simply comforts you and is no longer a challenge, it becomes a faith that no longer changes your life, but just soothes your conscience.
Your Christian pilgimage started with a deed of repentance. You were truly sorry about your sins of the past. You were determined that, witht he help of God, you were not going to repeat these sins. Witht he foundation of repentance, it is impossible to experience renewal.
Confession of guilt is much more than an emotional experience, because it implies an act of rehabilitation. Wrong deeds have to be rectified ; you must apologise for the pain you haave caused, stolen goods must be returned. Your thoughts must be cleansed of all the accumulated fragments of sin which have become so common that you are no longer aware of them, or see them as dangerous. True confession of guitl can exact a high price, but without it there can be no hope of spiritual spring.
During his earthly ministry the clear call from Christ was, "Convert yourselves!". Therefore, conversion is unavoidable for all his disciples who want to enter the new life he is offering. Without repentance and confession there cannot be a complete surrender.
+ Read : Matthew 3:1-12
+ In prayer, consider the liberating experience of repentance and confession of guilt.
+ Are you satisfied with your spiritual growth? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with your introspection.
+ Praise the Lord who forgives our trespasses, and cleanses us from our sins.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Today as has been a turnaround for me,a scripture with the heading "In His Majesty's Service" made me realize that I cannot be confound to the realms of mans insecurities whereby christians who believe in one God only divide themselves in the same church just because the one wants to out perform the other for the attention of the man of the cloth, who is entrusted by a then calling to be a servant of God.
I enjoyed what I was doing, but the human constraints of being the outcast was clearly seen by all, except the optimistic me was dissappointing and belonging to an elite group just did not fit well with me. Has the church become a stepping stone for pastors, reverends, ministers etc to get into education or politics. Is there no longer a calling and I'm saying this fully aware that the first answer will be what must a man of God live if he/she is only a servant.
But if the servant makes it a prayer matter, and the word he brings is from God, his church will be blessed and many will flock as he stretches out over the land to save souls not for him, but for our Master, Jesus Christ who died on Calvary for our sin and for our Heavenly Father.But the problem arise when the head of a church does not see the anguish his ministry is in, but keeps on going with those who surround him with good cheer, while the body of the "the church" which is you, becomes disfigured and disabled by not receiving the word of God as it is laid down in since the time of Moses, till today.
Where do we go from here we ask the "building church" and the people who worship there, as what is preached from the pulpit on a Sunday and praised by the congregation is not what is lived out ther in the world. For many of us as we leave the building we dont realize that we are the "church" and that the person we were on Saturday should be the same person you meet Friday at the braai, Saturday and then to praise the name of God on Sunday.
This is all for a community who seeks God daily,who's children do not know God, but do churches provide the shoulder for them lean on and to build their spiritual strenght with knowledge and instruction and let them be blessed with the wisdom received from the King of Kings.
Is it not time to change, Church
We are all in His Majesty's Service