Friday, October 2, 2009


What is the difference between a "white lie" and one where one says you did for the protection of others....does this make you an enabler without realising you condoning that persons actions. In time you find the person in your place says this is how it has always been done.So in certain circumstances it is OK, but where do you draw the line.
Is it OK to for a mother steal a loaf of bread to feed her hungry family.
Is it OK to remove (no permission) an Item from work for a school project for your child's and never return it.

Do where to draw the line or should there be a line at all.
Before you know you find , something that has started small and with good intentions is now bigger than you.How many experiences in our daily life we find we compromise values, just to smooth things over for once just to have some form of we enable the behaviour at the cost of values.

"God we strive to be perfect and fail many times, but let us learn from those failures and negative consequences to live a righteous life.

Do you believe in the bible: What does the bible say. What does God want from us.


  1. for me.. we need to sty with the truth ( in love)
    A lie is a lie

  2. otherwise..we start to live the lie.. or what do you say ?

  3. In agreement, its one of the things that start out so small and before you know its bigger than you. Do you end it or let it go on, cause letting it go on changes you, and as said you start to live the lie.
